

Jordan Steel Wire Armouring machine

The machine is used for armouring single or double steel wire around the cable,or manufacturing large section of steel wire ropes.


JordanCG flat copper wire shielding machine

Product Description

The machine is used for armouring single or double steel wire around the cable,or manufacturing large section of steel wire ropes.
Central pay-off, armouring cage, die holder, taping device, traction device,meter counter,take-up and traverse device,transmission system and electric control system.
Technical Parameter:
Model 36+36 48+48
Single Wire diameter (mm) 1.0-4.0 1.0-4.0
Armouring Dia.(mm) 130 140
Rotation speed(r/min) 21-51 18.5-41.1
Armouring Speed(mm) 74.1-1275.9 84-1404
Taping Speed(/min) 188-419 188-419
Taping pich(mm) 9.0-144.2 8-138
linear Speed(m/min) 3.77-27.18 3.43-25.93


池州市| 和林格尔县| 九江县| 三亚市| 太和县| 乌兰浩特市| 武城县| 长寿区| 巴彦淖尔市| 民乐县| 从江县| 溆浦县| 梧州市| 辰溪县| 肃北| 石家庄市| 元阳县| 德令哈市| 沿河| 河源市| 怀仁县| 开江县| 大城县| 平南县| 陇西县| 南康市| 湟源县| 屏山县| 颍上县| 独山县| 疏附县| 长海县| 肥西县| 婺源县| 卢湾区| 垦利县| 通州市| 元朗区| 新龙县| 扎鲁特旗| 通河县|