

Serbia Steel Wire Armouring machine

The machine is used for armouring single or double steel wire around the cable,or manufacturing large section of steel wire ropes.


SerbiaCG flat copper wire shielding machine

Product Description

The machine is used for armouring single or double steel wire around the cable,or manufacturing large section of steel wire ropes.
Central pay-off, armouring cage, die holder, taping device, traction device,meter counter,take-up and traverse device,transmission system and electric control system.
Technical Parameter:
Model 36+36 48+48
Single Wire diameter (mm) 1.0-4.0 1.0-4.0
Armouring Dia.(mm) 130 140
Rotation speed(r/min) 21-51 18.5-41.1
Armouring Speed(mm) 74.1-1275.9 84-1404
Taping Speed(/min) 188-419 188-419
Taping pich(mm) 9.0-144.2 8-138
linear Speed(m/min) 3.77-27.18 3.43-25.93


宜昌市| 阿克陶县| 舟曲县| 十堰市| 同仁县| 科技| 赫章县| 仪征市| 扶风县| 阳原县| 毕节市| 册亨县| 平凉市| 泸溪县| 渭南市| 长海县| 甘孜县| 图木舒克市| 邵东县| 万源市| 铜鼓县| 乐至县| 台山市| 绥滨县| 隆安县| 昭平县| 武夷山市| 宜黄县| 泽州县| 饶平县| 大庆市| 阳泉市| 新民市| 庄河市| 响水县| 清涧县| 大埔县| 伊金霍洛旗| 兰西县| 保亭| 芜湖县|