

Turkmenistan Steel Wire Armouring machine

The machine is used for armouring single or double steel wire around the cable,or manufacturing large section of steel wire ropes.


TurkmenistanCG flat copper wire shielding machine

Product Description

The machine is used for armouring single or double steel wire around the cable,or manufacturing large section of steel wire ropes.
Central pay-off, armouring cage, die holder, taping device, traction device,meter counter,take-up and traverse device,transmission system and electric control system.
Technical Parameter:
Model 36+36 48+48
Single Wire diameter (mm) 1.0-4.0 1.0-4.0
Armouring Dia.(mm) 130 140
Rotation speed(r/min) 21-51 18.5-41.1
Armouring Speed(mm) 74.1-1275.9 84-1404
Taping Speed(/min) 188-419 188-419
Taping pich(mm) 9.0-144.2 8-138
linear Speed(m/min) 3.77-27.18 3.43-25.93


封丘县| 普兰店市| 西乡县| 嫩江县| 温泉县| 顺义区| 时尚| 临沂市| 雷波县| 虹口区| 怀集县| 通道| 思南县| 永兴县| 买车| 新泰市| 内乡县| 醴陵市| 平定县| 义马市| 黔西县| 津南区| 平阴县| 马龙县| 日照市| 来安县| 灵丘县| 镇雄县| 咸宁市| 吴忠市| 永平县| 新蔡县| 调兵山市| 米脂县| 宜兴市| 延吉市| 合阳县| 呼玛县| 永仁县| 商都县| 行唐县|