

Ukraine Steel Wire Armouring machine

The machine is used for armouring single or double steel wire around the cable,or manufacturing large section of steel wire ropes.


UkraineCG flat copper wire shielding machine

Product Description

The machine is used for armouring single or double steel wire around the cable,or manufacturing large section of steel wire ropes.
Central pay-off, armouring cage, die holder, taping device, traction device,meter counter,take-up and traverse device,transmission system and electric control system.
Technical Parameter:
Model 36+36 48+48
Single Wire diameter (mm) 1.0-4.0 1.0-4.0
Armouring Dia.(mm) 130 140
Rotation speed(r/min) 21-51 18.5-41.1
Armouring Speed(mm) 74.1-1275.9 84-1404
Taping Speed(/min) 188-419 188-419
Taping pich(mm) 9.0-144.2 8-138
linear Speed(m/min) 3.77-27.18 3.43-25.93


怀化市| 古田县| 镇江市| 甘肃省| 武隆县| 浦城县| 景洪市| 衢州市| 崇文区| 高碑店市| 宣恩县| 红河县| 铅山县| 阜城县| 阳朔县| 尼勒克县| 乐亭县| 台南市| 张家界市| 昭觉县| 安泽县| 和林格尔县| 唐海县| 榆林市| 博罗县| 常州市| 基隆市| 温宿县| 通州市| 沈阳市| 京山县| 莎车县| 安岳县| 托里县| 云霄县| 绥化市| 南通市| 乐至县| 邯郸市| 桃园市| 禄劝|