

spanish Steel Wire Armouring machine

The machine is used for armouring single or double steel wire around the cable,or manufacturing large section of steel wire ropes.


spanishCG flat copper wire shielding machine

Product Description

The machine is used for armouring single or double steel wire around the cable,or manufacturing large section of steel wire ropes.
Central pay-off, armouring cage, die holder, taping device, traction device,meter counter,take-up and traverse device,transmission system and electric control system.
Technical Parameter:
Model 36+36 48+48
Single Wire diameter (mm) 1.0-4.0 1.0-4.0
Armouring Dia.(mm) 130 140
Rotation speed(r/min) 21-51 18.5-41.1
Armouring Speed(mm) 74.1-1275.9 84-1404
Taping Speed(/min) 188-419 188-419
Taping pich(mm) 9.0-144.2 8-138
linear Speed(m/min) 3.77-27.18 3.43-25.93


大同县| 博野县| 大悟县| 荔波县| 江永县| 敦煌市| 汝城县| 平度市| 绩溪县| 甘泉县| 松溪县| 长春市| 合水县| 新营市| 屏东县| 当阳市| 洛扎县| 江津市| 资兴市| 樟树市| 霍城县| 临清市| 余江县| 上蔡县| 萍乡市| 沂水县| 吉安市| 洞头县| 汽车| 砚山县| 巴南区| 浦东新区| 容城县| 临漳县| 长汀县| 海安县| 大石桥市| 玉溪市| 万荣县| 洪江市| 日喀则市|